Catherine Miller

Catherine is a lead member of financial wellbeing company Maji. With a background in education, including a Master's in teaching and many years working in schools, Catherine now combines her expertise in personal finance and education to help people make better decisions about their money.

2 articles from Catherine Miller

How to Use Modal Verbs for Clear Communication

How to Use Modal Verbs for Clear Communication

What's a modal verb? In our essential guide, learn how to use them to express possibility, permission, necessity, ability, obligation, and probability.

How to Craft Your Ideal Thesis Research Topic

How to Craft Your Ideal Thesis Research Topic

How to choose a topic that interests you and then narrow your focus to find an exciting angle for your thesis.

How to Craft an Engaging Elevator Pitch that Gets Results

How to Craft an Engaging Elevator Pitch that Gets Results

Learn how to create an elevator pitch that gets results, with a useful framework, powerful examples, and essential tips.

Eight Steps to Craft an Irresistible LinkedIn Profile

Eight Steps to Craft an Irresistible LinkedIn Profile

How to set up a LinkedIn profile for success with our tips on crafting compelling headlines, summaries, and content. Stand out and land your dream job.

10 Ways to Effectively Manage Your Stress at University

10 Ways to Effectively Manage Your Stress at University

Discover stress management techniques for students. Learn how to overcome stressors like academic pressure, financial stress, and social challenges.

Title Case vs. Sentence Case: How to Capitalize Your Titles

Title Case vs. Sentence Case: How to Capitalize Your Titles

Wordtune’s guide explores the two main ways to capitalize titles: title case vs. sentence case. Learn how to capitalize and format titles correctly.

How To Quickly Write an Executive Summary (Using AI)

How To Quickly Write an Executive Summary (Using AI)

Learn how to write an executive summary quickly and efficiently to engage investors, partners, and customers — with help from AI.

8 Tips for Creating Relatable Social Media Content (with Examples)

8 Tips for Creating Relatable Social Media Content (with Examples)

Reach your target audience with these 8 actionable ways to make social media content relatable, inspiring, and engaging.

How to Use AI to Write a Winning Business Plan

How to Use AI to Write a Winning Business Plan

Learn how to craft an effective business plan using the latest AI technology to help you craft a compelling, concise plan for your company.

Choosing the Right Tone of Voice for Different Marketing Channels

Choosing the Right Tone of Voice for Different Marketing Channels

Tone of voice is critical to creating brand identity, but you should also vary your tone according to which marketing channel you’re using.

Mastering the Art of Grammar and Punctuation: Learn These Rules to Improve Your Writing

Mastering the Art of Grammar and Punctuation: Learn These Rules to Improve Your Writing

We give you the top tips and tricks you need to master the art of punctuation and grammar, so your writing is accurate and makes an impact.

10 Tips for Developing Your Own Unique Writing Style

10 Tips for Developing Your Own Unique Writing Style

Having your own unique voice is what separates the good writers from the great ones. Whether you are writing from your own life experience, creating new worlds, or informing your readers about important information, your own personal writing style is what will make your work memorable and original.

Using Sales Psychology to Create a More Effective Sales Cycle

Using Sales Psychology to Create a More Effective Sales Cycle

We explore how understanding the psychology of sales pitches can help you craft effective and powerful conversations that lead to more sales.

AI In Education: How Generative AI Can Transform Your Teaching

AI In Education: How Generative AI Can Transform Your Teaching

We explain how AI tools can help teachers reduce workload, work fewer hours, and make learning more personalized for better student results.

Top Strategies to Overcome Test Anxiety and Aim for Success

Top Strategies to Overcome Test Anxiety and Aim for Success

We guide you through how to reduce the physical and mental symptoms of test anxiety so you’re on top form and ready to do well in your upcoming tests.

How To Create Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) with the Help of AI

How To Create Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) with the Help of AI

Discover how to use AI tools to create a powerful ideal customer profile that can help you create, market, sell, and refine your product or service.

How To Write a Report: A Detailed Guide [+AI Method]

How To Write a Report: A Detailed Guide [+AI Method]

Writing a report can seem like a daunting task, especially if you are not familiar with the process. However, with some basic guidelines and tips, anyone can learn how to write a clear and effective report.

Writing an Academic Paper: A Beginner’s Guide

Writing an Academic Paper: A Beginner’s Guide

Academic writing can be challenging, but with the right approach and strategies, anyone can produce a successful paper. In this post, we will discuss essential tips and tricks for writing an academic paper that effectively communicates your research findings.