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October 14, 2023

A Detailed Guide to B2B Writing in 2023 (+ Examples)

A Detailed Guide to B2B Writing in 2023 (+ Examples)

Table of contents

As a rookie journalist, I was once intimidated by B2B writing. Short for business-to-business writing, B2B writing sounded too, well, business-like. It conjured images of formal language, technical terms, and business jargon. 

And I wasn’t wrong. Back in the day, B2B writing was everything you’d imagine — serious, dry, and to-the-point. It was the beginning of modern advertising as companies tried to reach and influence business prospects. 

What is B2B writing?

Today, B2B writing can be much more personalized and driven by consumer insights. It still involves copywriting that focuses on creating content to attract and engage business prospects. But it doesn’t have to be dull and boring to sound business-like. 

B2B writing has evolved to include content such as blog posts, email campaigns, white papers, case studies, and social media posts that are designed to grab the attention of business decision makers. And, a lot of B2B writers, or content marketers, find ways to make it fun and informative.

B2B writing educates readers on how a particular product or service can solve a business problem and builds trust with potential buyers. For example, a case study might explain how a company used a software product to streamline their workflow and increase revenue, which could help other businesses understand the value of that product. 

B2B writing

Why is B2B writing important?

B2B writing is essential for businesses looking to reach, engage and convert new customers. According to HubSpot, businesses that blog see, on average, a 126% higher lead growth than those that don't blog.

By creating content tailored to the needs of your target audience, you can build trust with potential customers and position your business as a trusted source of industry knowledge. This not only helps you attract more customers, but also helps to establish your brand as an authority.

How is B2B writing different from B2C writing?

B2B writing is typically more technical and data-driven, and requires research and industry expertise. B2B writing provides actionable advice to help prospects understand and solve their business problems. The aim could be to build a reputation as a thought leader, create a following, or connect with a company’s ideal buyer personas so they ultimately become customers.

B2C writing, or business-to-consumer writing, is simpler and follows a storytelling style. Businesses use B2C content to communicate directly with customers and persuade them to purchase a product or service. It has a much shorter sales cycle.


With B2B writing, the goal is to create content that is designed to build brand awareness and persuade the reader to take action. This might include providing advice on how to use a product or service, explaining how to solve a problem, or providing data-driven insights to help prospects make informed business decisions.


B2B writing is typically geared towards a more technical audience, such as business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers. While B2C writing is often focused on creating content that appeals to the general public, B2B companies focus on a specific target audience. 


The style of B2B writing also differs from that of B2C writing. While B2C content might include humorous anecdotes or clever analogies to engage readers, this isn’t typically the case with B2B writing. Instead, B2B writing is more direct and focuses on providing actionable advice to the reader.

Types of B2B writing + Examples 

B2B copywriting can take many forms, including case studies, white papers, podcast and video scripts, sales copy, and email campaigns. Regardless of the type of writing, the goal should always be to provide valuable information that resonates with your readers and helps them make informed decisions.

Blog posts

Long-form content to engage with your audience and provide them with helpful information on different topics. Unlike consumer-focused content, B2B blog posts typically contain a more technical and in-depth approach, such as discussing industry trends, analyzing data, and introducing new products and services. Blog posts are also optimized to rank on search engines and help readers find them.

Blog posts help businesses build visibility and credibility in the industry and, over time, generate leads and drive sales. Create content that provides value to your audience to establish trust and cultivate a relationship with potential customers. And, if you’re stuck for ideas or inspiration, use a trusted AI writing assistant for a wholesome piece of content.

Ideal length — 1500-3000 words

Example of a blog post published by Wordtune

Fun fact60% of internet users read blogs, with 39% reading them up to three times a week, 10% reading them 4-6 times a week, and 11% reading them daily.

White papers

An authoritative document that provides deep insight into a specific topic, outlining the benefits and drawbacks of a particular course of action, and is used to educate and persuade potential customers to make a decision.

White papers are often used to explain complex topics in an easy-to-understand manner. They are typically written in a formal tone, with the intent of providing an unbiased view of the subject matter. Usually, a white paper is written by a subject matter expert or a company to showcase their knowledge of the market and build authority. 

The most popular topics for white papers include: 

  • Industry trends
  • Brand solutions 
  • Product or service guides
  • Data insights and observations
  • Niche, educational walk-throughs
  • Common business challenges

Ideal length 5 to 20 pages

Example of a white paper published by Google

Fun fact — 91% of IT buyers find white papers to be the second-most effective type of content in the buying process, ranking higher than video, webinars, and social media posts.

Case studies

An account of real-life customer experiences to demonstrate the value of your products or services. Customer success case studies are a powerful form of B2B writing because they give potential customers a glimpse into how your product or service has helped another business achieve success. 

A quality case study includes an overview of the customer’s challenge, a detailed explanation of how the product or service solved that challenge, and the results achieved. Plus, add quotes from the customer to add social proof and back up your claims.

Ideal length — 500 to 1500 words

Example of a case study by Wordtune

Fun fact — In one survey, 80% of B2B buyers said they referenced case studies as part of their buying research.

Email newsletters

Weekly or monthly emails to engage and educate potential customers and promote business products or services. An email newsletter could include news, updates, offers, product or service announcements, or educational content that would be of interest to its readers. Email newsletters are a great way for businesses to keep their customers and prospects up-to-date and engaged.

Email marketing is an efficient and cost-effective way to keep customers and prospects up to date, increase visibility and drive sales. Plus, businesses build trust and stay top of mind with their customers and prospects. 

Ideal length — 20 lines of text, or 200 words 

Example of a newsletter from The Hustle

Fun fact — The average expected ROI for email marketing is $40 for every $1 spent.

Market research reports

A comprehensive overview of a particular topic based on original research or a survey that acts as a guide on industry trends and concepts. The primary purpose of a research report is to analyze the data collected and break it down for the reader to make it easy to understand. 

An in-depth report includes both qualitative and quantitative information that prospects use to make informed decisions. Research reports are typically divided into several sections, including an executive summary, an introduction, a methodology, a results section, and a conclusion. 

Ideal length — 10 to 50 pages

Example of a market research report from Hubspot

Fun fact — 68% of companies have increased sales using market research, according to the Market Research Impact Report.

Product descriptions

Short-form content on a landing page to highlight different features and benefits of a particular product or service. Product descriptions help customers make informed decisions about their purchases and encourage them to sign up for a demo or make a purchase. 

Product descriptions can help B2B brands stand out from their competition, attract the right customers, and increase sales. They are an important part of the customer experience and help customers to understand what the product is, what it does, and why they should be interested in it. Clear and concise descriptions capture the customer’s attention and accurately describe the product’s capabilities.

Ideal length  — 250-350 words

Example of a product page from Wordtune

Fun fact — 87% of customers say good product descriptions influence their purchase decision.

Social media content

Posts and campaigns on outlets like LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok to engage with potential customers, build relationships, and increase brand awareness. Social media content helps you reach a large, diverse audience, increase brand awareness, and build relationships with potential customers.

Social content needs to be educational, informative, and entertaining to provide value to your target audience. That is, help your audience solve their pain points or better understand a complex topic through short posts, videos, and infographics. Use hashtags, keywords, and industry terms to increase visibility. Engage with your followers — Reply to comments, post engaging questions, and join conversations to build relationships.

Ideal length — 1 to 80 characters on Facebook, 70-100 characters for Twitter, 25 words or 150 characters for LinkedIn. 

30-60 seconds for video, and 21-34 seconds for TikTok.

Example of a LinkedIn post by Mailchimp

Fun fact93% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for their organic social marketing strategies.

You, too, can develop your B2B writing skills

Remember my phobia about B2B writing as a 21-year-old journalism intern? Well, I can tell you it’s not that bad. In fact, B2B writing is interesting, engaging, and rewarding. But you don’t become a content writer overnight. Develop your research skills, read quality content from reputed businesses, strengthen your visuals and graphics muscles, and learn how to optimize content.

Get started with these articles: